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Hortal, J. (2011). Geographical variation in the diversity of microbial communities: research directions and prospects for experimental biogeography. In Biogeography of micro-organisms. Is everything small everywhere? (ed. by D. Fontaneto), pp. 335-356. Cambridge University Press.
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Jiménez-Valverde, A., Hortal, J., Lobo, J. M., et al. (2008) Using predictive models of species distribution to validate biodiversity data in Madeira island – Validação da distribuição de espécies através de modelos preditivos na ilha da Madeira. In: A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos (ed. by P. A. V. Borges, et al.), pp. 27-56. Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais, Governo Regional da Madeira, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.
Hortal, J., Nieto, M., Rodríguez, J., & Lobo, J.M. (2005). Evaluating the roles of connectivity and environment on faunal turnover: patterns in recent and fossil Iberian mammals. In Migration in Organisms. Climate, Geography, Ecology (ed by A.M.T. Elewa), pp. 301-327. Springer, Berlin.
Nieto, M., Hortal, J., Martínez-Maza, C., Morales, J., Ortiz-Jaureguizar, E., Pelaez-Campomanes, P., Pickford, M., Prado, J.L., Rodríguez, J., Senut, B., Soria, D., & Varela, S. (2005). Historical determinants of mammal diversity in Africa: Evolution of mammalian body weight distribution in Africa and South America during Neogene and Quaternary times. In African Biodiversity: Molecules, Organisms, Ecosystems (ed by B.A. Huber, B.J. Sinclair and K.-H. Lampe), pp. 287-296. Springer, New York.
Hortal, J., et al. (2005). Using ATLANTIS – Tierra 2.0 and GIS environmental information to predict the spatial distribution and habitat suitability of endemic species. In A list of the terrestrial fauna (Mollusca and Arthropoda) and flora (Bryophyta, Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta) from the Azores (ed by P.A.V. Borges, R. Cunha, R. Gabriel, A.F. Martins, L. Silva and V. Vieira), pp. 69-113. Direcção Regional do Ambiente and Universidade dos Açores, Horta, Angra do Heroísmo and Ponta Delgada.
Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V., Hortal, J., Rodrigues, A.C., Medeiros, C., Azevedo, E.B., Melo, C., & Lopes, D.J.H. (2005). Diversidade da fauna de insectos fitófagos e de inimigos naturais em culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira, Açores: a importância do maneio e da heterogeneidade ambiental. In A Fruticultura na Macaronésia – O Contributo do projecto INTERFRUTA para o seu desenvolvimento (ed by D.J.H. Lopes, A. Pereira, A. Mexia, J. Mumford and R. Cabrera), pp. 115-134. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo.
Santos, A.M.C., Borges, P.A.V., Hortal, J., & Lopes, D.J.H. (2005). Riqueza de espécies e diversidade ecológica de himenópteros parasitóides (Hymenoptera, Parasitica) em culturas frutícolas da ilha Terceira (Açores). In A Fruticultura na Macaronésia – O Contributo do projecto INTERFRUTA para o seu desenvolvimento (ed by D.J.H. Lopes, A. Pereira, A. Mexia, J. Mumford and R. Cabrera), pp. 137-151. Universidade dos Açores, Angra do Heroísmo.
Nieto, M., Bastir, M., Cabrero-Sañudo, F.J., Hortal, J., Martínez-Maza, C., & Rodríguez, J. (2004). Does evolution evolve? In Homenaje a Emiliano Aguirre, volúmen de Paleoantropología (ed by E. Baquedano and S. Rubio Jara), pp. 232-252. Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid.
Hortal, J. & Lobo, J.M. (2001). A preliminary methodological approach to model the spatial distribution of biodiversity attributes. In Spatio-temporal modelling of environmental processes. Proceedings of the 1st Spanish workshop on spatio-temporal modelling of environmental processes (ed by J. Mateu and F. Montes), pp. 211-229. Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, Castelló de la Plana.