I was honoured to give the first International Biogeography Society’s (IBS) Funk Lecture of the new season, which was hold online on Thursday, September 28, at 4 pm UTC. In this lecture, entitled “Mapping ignorance on biodiversity: towards a fair account of data-driven uncertainty in biogeograpical analyses”, reviewed some of the steps that we have made towards describing the limitations of the knowledge about different aspects of biodiversity, including improved protocols to assess data quality, evaluations of the uncertainty associated to the taxonomic process, and maps of the coverage of environmental and land transformation gradients provided by the data. This Lecture Series is meant to honour Vicki Funk, IBS’ first president. I was lucky enough so as to meet Vicki and share some of her concerns about improving the quality of the data we’ve got to describe the distribution of biodiversiy, so the lecture also depicts a couple of examples of her work in this respect.

You can watch a recording of the lecture at IBS’ Youtube Channel, following this link.