Friday last week, the 22nd of March, Alice defended successfully her MSc thesis, entitled: “Padrões globais de descrição de espécies e revisão taxonômica de morcegos (Mammalia, Chiroptera)” [Global patterns in the description of species and taxonomic revisions of bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera)] which was co-supervised by Joaquín Hortal and Daniel Brito. After a nice and fruitful discussion with the two jury members (Ludmila Aguiar from the Universidade de Brasilia, Thiago Rangel from the UFG) about the future of taxonomy, the pitfalls of doing taxonomy in the tropics and the evolution of the concept of species trhough time, among other things, Alice passed with no corrections (the maximum qualification at UFG). Congratulations Master Alice!
Alice Francener has got her Master!